Thousands of businesses worldwide rebounded during 2021 from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic throughout 2020. Many of those companies successfully utilized members of GlobalscopePartners, a network of 55 international M&A firms, resulting in a new record for M&A transactions. There were 226 transactions executed across a wide variety of industries and sub-sectors, valued at more than €7.8 billion. With independent member firms located around the world, GlobalscopePartners helped hundreds of middle market business owners secure funding,
buy and sell businesses, and capitalize on financial opportunities as a result of the Globalscope network. The largest single transaction was valued at €1.3 billion. John Sloan, President of Globalscope, explains how members thrived to set new
records during the pandemic.“Globalscope is an international family of independent M&A firms which enables us to directly connect to buyers, sellers, and financial sources worldwide. If the capital markets in one region is not optimal, Globalscope
partners engage their worldwide network of members to find other strategic and financial opportunities for their clients around the globe. It is a tier-one organization that works extremely well worldwide, resulting in numerous cross-border transactions.
GlobalscopePartners provides its members and clients a global advantage in the marketplace,” concluded Sloan. Globalscope members are dedicated to making clients’ dreams a reality through their core values of openness and camaraderie, relentless entrepreneurialism, and tier-one brand quality. Members are entrepreneurs and experience business executives themselves with in-depth knowledge of local markets as well as corporate and financial investors worldwide.